
Plumbing Design
Based on the scope and level of technical work, Payable to staff working on project
Additive and Advanced Manufacturing
Frederic James V. Espiritu, Carlos Emmanuel P. Garcia
Based on the scope and level of technical work, Payable to staff working on project
Life Cycle Assessment
Marita Natividad T. de Lumen
Based on the scope and level of technical work, Payable to staff working on project
Mechanical Equipment Design
Ralph Kristoffer B. Gallegos, Rodel M. Frago, Frederic James V. Espiritu, Carlos Emmanuel P. Garcia, Marita Natividad T. de Lumen
Based on the scope and level of technical work, Payable to staff working on project
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Simulations
Ralph Kristoffer B. Gallegos, Rodel M. Frago, Frederic James V. Espiritu, Carlos Emmanuel P. Garcia
Based on the scope and level of technical work , Payable to staff working on project