Ralph Kristoffer B Gallegos, Ph.D.
Chair, DME; Associate Professor, IABE
- rbgallegos@up.edu.ph
Dr. Gallegos brings more than 15 years of teaching experience in the field of engineering. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Auckland and has published a number of papers on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Applications in Agriculture and Biosystems.
His other research interests are in Agricultural and Biosystems Machine Design and Development, Renewable Energy Applications in Agriculture and Biosystems, Agricultural Mechanization Systems, and Thermal-Fluid Engineering.
Meet our faculty

Rodel M Frago, M.Sc.
Assistant Professor 1
- rmfrago@up.edu.ph

Marita Natividad T De Lumen, M.Sc.
Assistant Professor 1
- mtdelumen@up.edu.ph

Jerric R Delfin
Assistant Professor 1
- jrdelfin1@up.edu.ph

Carlos Emmanuel P Garcia
Instructor 6
- cpgarcia2@up.edu.ph

Frederic James V Espiritu
Instructor 7
- fvespiritu@up.edu.ph

Justine Noel D Ulat
Instructor 2
- jdulat@up.edu.ph

Larry Jr E Vasquez
Instructor 2
- levasquez@up.edu.ph

Precious Arlene V Melendrez
Instructor 2
- pvmelendrez@up.edu.ph

Wyerlo A Alcantara
Instructor 2
- waalcantara1@up.edu.ph

Rhea L Batac
Instructor 2
- rlbatac@up.edu.ph
Meet our Staff

Khendy SA Bautista
Junior Office Assistant
- ksbautista4@up.edu.ph

Ronald L Dineros
Junior Engineering Aide
- -@up.edu.ph