The UPLB Department of Mechanical Engineering was officially inaugurated today!
February 23, 2023

Thank you to UPLB Vice Chancellor for Administration Rolando T. Bello, CEAT Dean Rossana Marie C. Amongo, DME-CEAT Chair Ralph Kristoffer B. Gallegos, and Professor Emeritus and former CEAT Dean Ernesto P. Lozada for leading the ceremony.

TRIVIA: Professor Emeritus Lozada was the CEAT Dean (1992-1998) who proposed to the UP BOR the establishment of the UPLB Department of Mechanical Engineering for CEAT to become a comprehensive college of engineering.

(From UP Gazette April-June 1997, Vol. XXVIII No. 2, Section 8 )

The DME-CEAT office is located in the right wing, ground floor of Roberto C. Bautista Hall (formerly the AMTEC Building).

The UPLB Department of Mechanical Engineering was officially inaugurated today!
February 23, 2023
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